With the drafting of the Affordable Care Act, many meetings were held in 2013 discussing how insurance plans and carriers may be affected. Though much of the summer was spent hearing about what we THINK could happen, only a short while before enrollment began did some things become more clear. Many were going to be eligible for a subsidy though it would not be uncommon to find the insurance premiums less expensive off the marketplace without using the subsidy.
Another thing that became clear was that different insurance carriers were going to be all over the map with their pricing. Since we are appointed with many different carriers, we were exposed to much of this discussion. Off-marketplace plans, not using a subsidy, can be less expensive than on-marketplace plans that DO use the subsidy, your subsidy is small.
If you’re interested in dental insurance with no waiting period, take a look here. Vision insurance can be found here.
Why Get It Here And Not Somewhere Else?
These are some of the carriers we choose to represent and promote. Remember, it costs you nothing to work with us. Enrolling with us, or directly with a carrier through our links, simply assigns you to our client family. We’ll be available to you should you need an advocate on your behalf in any insurance matters. We also offer many other types of insurance products, and hope we get the chance to help you with these as your needs arise. We’ll do our best to earn your business and referrals.
One reason we recommend going directly to a carrier, as outlined above, is to save you from being bothered by so many people. When you do a general internet search, and go to a website that represents all carriers with one quote, you’re going to contacted by a lot of people. Those sites send your information to multiple agents and brokers so they can call you to win your business. I don’t like that whole process for me, so I certainly will not recommend that for you. Our pledge here is that we’re not going to bother you. Once you get a quote, if you like it, go ahead and enroll. We’ll keep in touch with you after that on occasion, but never to try to talk you in to buying something you don’t want.
If we’re not being proactive enough for you, there are several ways on our site that you can contact us. We want your business, but we’re also sensitive to your time. Reach out to us and we’ll help you however we can.